
Medical solutions: Our machines and molds for your health

What we offer

Comprehensive solutions to produce complex plastic, hybrid and glass substitute products. From injection molding tools, including upstream and downstream automation and quality control, to the integration of injection molding machines and system components.
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What we offer?

Lösungen aus einer Hand zur Herstellung komplexer Kunststoff-, Hybrid- und Glasersatzprodukte.
Spritzgießwerkzeuge mit vor- und nachgelagerter Automation und Qualitätskontrolle
Integration von Spritzgießmaschinen und Anlagenkomponenten
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With which benefits

Risk minimization and time savings through:
Less interfaces
Reduced engineering effort
Reduced complexity
Simulation and Digital Twin
Intuitive and cross-system human-machine communication

To achieve what

Implementation and process reliability
Compact and space-saving solutions
Predictable time to market
Optimized overall equipment efficiency and reduced unit costs
Efficient use of personnel and resources
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How we do this

We have been thinking, developing and implementing mold making and automation under one roof for over 15 years with expertise in profitable industrial plastics processing.

Innovative technologies

Talk to our expert team!

Questions regarding products or service? Contact us!