Broom & Brush

Broom and brush brilliance: Powered by innovation
Broom & Brush

What we offer

Sophisticated and reliable machines for broom and brush production, tailored to the needs of our customers - with consistently simple and ergonomic operating concepts and various automation levels.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

With which benefits

Flexibility through universal machines and quick changeover
Cost minimization through continuously high production speed with high availability
Production safety with minimal downtime and low risk of failure
Intuitive and user-friendly machine operation

To achieve what

Profit maximization through efficient production and reduction of costs per piece
High satisfaction of machine operators and maintenance personnel
Competitiveness through reduction of unit costs and efficient production
Future-proof and durable investment with rapid amortization
High planning security and delivery reliability 
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

How we do this

We rely on high specialized personnel with over 120 years of experience and continuous development of our products and processes.

Innovative technologies

Talk to our expert team!

Questions regarding products or service? Contact us!